Dienstag, 15. November 2011

History and Society of the Middle East

Hach ja, ich mag unseren Prof in diesem Fach! Die Vorlesungen sind wirklich gut und interessant und allein die Kommentare heute wieder ...

We were discussing about corruption and how one could get a grip on that. His point was that in order to successfully get rid of corruption you need an imposed framework to provide pressure/incentives. For example, that is the case for countries wanting to join the EU. However, he said, there appears to be a difference whether you join the EU as a founding member or afterwards. (all grinning and looking at our Italian exchange student)

Another great comment today: "In quite a few areas, the US are like a Third World country." (in a discussion about formal and informal sector of an economy)

Was zwar nicht zur Uni gehört, aber auch sehr lustig war, wenn es nicht so traurig wäre:

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